Palliative Care Enhancements

Bethesda Foundation has long had a vision to provide enhanced palliative care services in our community. The population over the age of 75 in Steinbach and area is expected to grow by nearly 25% in the next few years. Some of these residents will be in need of acute or long-term palliative care.

Our vision is that there be a peaceful, home-like environment for people to be in during their last
chapter of life. This needs to include private rooms for patient dignity, and space for families to gather.

The Province of Manitoba has included capacity for this kind of space in the current expansion that
is happening at Bethesda Regional Health Centre. Bethesda Foundation was pleased to be part of the
planning in what these enhancements would look like.

Features include:
• 7 enhanced private patient care rooms
• warm paint colors, wood finishes, and artwork for less institutional feel
• view of green space outside
• each room to have technology for patient to be able to do virtual calls with loved ones – smart TV, camera, etc.
• large gathering room for families to gather, with comfortable furniture, fireplace, microwave, coffee maker, etc.
• spiritual room to support multidenominational services

New and Expanded Surgery Department

The Province of Manitoba recently announced that Bethesda Regional Health Centre would be getting 3 new operating theatres as part of the current expansion happening at the hospital.

The expansion will include:

• 3 new operating theatres
• a pre-operative consult room
• 12 patient care spots for pre/post-operative care
• sterile supply room and surgical equipment disinfection and sterilization room
• reception and waiting area for patients and family
• new expanded lab to meet space requirements for modern diagnostic lab equipment
• new cultural space to support multidenominational services
• expanded space to support physician and resident services, including three on-call sleep rooms

This expansion is urgently needed at Bethesda Regional Health Center. The region has experienced
unprecedented growth since 1964, when the current surgery department was built. And predictions are for continued consistent growth going forward. It is imperative that our capacity for medical services keeps up with the region’s growth.

The great news comes with a few challenges to overcome. As always, finding funding for large capital
projects is not easy. The Bethesda Foundation is proud to play a pivotal role in the solution, as we commit to raising $8 million to bring this essential surgery expansion to completion.

Chair of Bethesda Foundation, Darrel Penner, says, “We are pleased to be part of this surgery expansion. The $8 million pledge is the largest in the Foundation’s history, and is only possible because of the incredible generosity of our donors. Time and again, our donors have stepped up with us, demonstrating their commitment to improving healthcare accessibility in our community. Together, we are making a tangible difference, bringing vital healthcare services closer to home for countless individuals and families.”

Wheels of Hope van for Steinbach area

Completion: October 2021

The Bethesda Foundation has partnered with the Canadian Cancer Society to make a van available for cancer patients in the Steinbach area who are needing to head to Winnipeg for treatment.  The Canadian Cancer Society runs a transportation program called Wheels of Hope, and Bethesda Foundation provided the needed funds for the purchase of the van for our area.

Bob Barrow, who lives in Steinbach, has been driving cancer patients to Winnipeg for many years already, in his own vehicle.  Bob is a prostate cancer survivor himself, so he can well relate to the patients he transports. He says normally when he picks up someone for the first time, he shares this fact.  “It helps to set them at ease because they know that I know what they are going through,” says Barrow. “I meet some great people and they help me, I help them and it’s something I love doing.”

According to Keith Unger, Bethesda Foundation board member, research shows that cancer patients who travel further distances for treatment are more likely to opt-out of treatment. Therefore, providing easier access is most helpful in encouraging these patients.  “If we can help relieve that burden that they maybe feel that they’ve created on their friends or family or just the stress of going in and out of Winnipeg, we think it will just help them not have another reason to opt-out of future treatments,” adds Unger.

New dining room furniture for Bethesda Place

Completion: May 2021

Bethesda Foundation recently contributed funds to improve safety, and freshen up the dining spaces at Bethesda Place.

New infection prevention and control measures came into effect, resulting in the need for new dining room furniture at Bethesda Place.  All surfaces of all tables and chairs are now completely wipeable, and easily sanitized.  They are also ergonomically friendly for both residents and staff.  The cloverleaf-designed tables help to meet the Covid 6 feet/2 metre social distancing resident requirements.  The tables adjust up and down, and outwards, which increases function for those that may be in a wheelchair at different heights.  The variety of chair styles and sizes provides versatility for those that may require bariatric seating, or may need a chair on casters for easy and safe gliding.

Bethesda Foundation Healing Garden

Completion: August 2018

Natural beauty has always inspired restfulness and healing.  Long ago this community acknowledged that green spaces contribute to physical, mental and spiritual well-being.  Since the hospital’s name came from a reference to the healing pools of Bethesda, it seemed appropriate that a water fountain should be a central feature of the park beside their hospital.  A fountain was built in 1967, as a monument celebrating Canada’s 100th birthday.  A sundial, surrounded by plaques honoring the founding pioneers, was added in 1974 as a contribution from Bethesda Hospital to Steinbach’s centennial celebration.

Appreciating the foresight of past generations, the Bethesda Foundation had a vision of refurbishing this special space.   Thank you to the generous donors who made available the necessary financial resources for this project to be completed in the summer of 2018.  May all who enter this space find peace of body, mind and soul.

Lead Donor – Milton Penner             Supporting Donor – HyLife

Stonebridge Wellness Centre

Completion: November 2017

Stonebridge Wellness Centre, located across the street from the Bethesda Primary Care Centre consists of 16,500 sq. ft. of leasable space. This facility complements the Bethesda Primary Care Centre and offers various healthcare-related services for our community.

Bethesda Primary Care Centre

Completion: August 2017

The Bethesda Primary Care Centre held its grand opening in August 2017.  This state-of-the-art facility houses Steinbach Family Medical Clinic, a QuickCare Clinic, Community Health Services offices, and a pharmacy.

  • Steinbach Bethesda Emergency

Emergency Department expansion at Bethesda Regional Health Care Centre

Completion: September 2014

Previously designed to serve 10,000 people a year, the ER was serving more than 20,000 people a year.  This new expansion at the Bethesda Regional Health Centre provides a larger and up-to-date facility with more rooms, more beds, and more equipment.

Crisis Stabilization Unit

Completion: February 2012

Prior to 2012 the region had no designated psychiatric beds, thus the need for a crisis stabilization unit in our community was great. The CSU now meets the needs of people experiencing an emotional or life crisis.

Professional Development for hospital staff

Bethesda Foundation supports various professional development opportunities for staff at Bethesda Regional Health Care Centre.